
IAGOS 30 Years

Last week, IAGOS celebrated its 30 birthday, 30 years of providing open access data on water vapour and ozone in the atmosphere to the global scientific community. IAGOS gratefully acknowledges […]


IAGOS 30 Years

IAGOS will celebrate its 30th birthday on 19th September 2024. The first IAGOS flights began in August 1994 and IAGOS now has thirty years of ozone and water vapour records […]


Valérie Thouret elected as vice-president of the International Ozone Commission

At the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium in Boulder Colorado, Valérie Thouret was elected to serve as vice-president of the International Ozone Commission.


Philippe Nédélec awarded the Farman prize by the International Ozone Commission

In July, at the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium in Boulder Colorado (, Philippe Nédélec was awarded the Farman prize by the International Ozone Commission in recognition of his work in establishing […]


RMI Report on Contrail Management

Recently published, RMI report on contrail management, where IAGOS features prominently:


The value of IAGOS in the European Research Landscape

The first evaluation of IAGOS was completed in June 2024. The summary states: “IAGOS is an example of a sustainable and impactful research infrastructure that not only promotes scientific understanding, […]


Interview with Andreas Petzold

Published online by FZJ, Andreas Petzold is interviewed about aviation and climate.


IATA Report Published

Published recently, the IATA report on climate effects of aviation contrails.