Massive open online course (MOOC)

Find out more about IAGOS in this online course, where scientists depict the issues of air pollution and climate change. In the course you will learn about the importance of atmospheric research and the workflow of three key Research Infrastructures: ACTRIS, IAGOS and ICOS.

The course starts on Jan 20, 2025, while registrations are open from December 2, 2024.

This two-week course focuses on how atmospheric Research Infrastructures (RIs) support high-level research and inform political decisions for the benefit of society:

  • In the first week, you will learn about atmospheric constituents, their sources and impacts, and their complex interactions. You will understand the importance of sharing data and building robust networks between research communities.
  • During the second week, you will explore different ways to monitor the atmosphere through 3 RIs: ACTRIS, the Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure; IAGOS, the In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System; and ICOS, the Integrated Carbon Observation System.

The course , free and open to everyone with basic knowledge in general chemistry and an undergraduate level in science, will be held in English. Subtitles are available in English, French, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, and German.

Register here:

More news

30 Years of Climate Research by Lufthansa Group

Lufthansa Group makes a press release on their invaluable contribution to IAGOS over the last 30 years. More details can be found in their report here
