08.08.2024 | Is Climate Protection Possible in Aviation? |
28.11.2023 | Iberia se une al proyecto europeo IAGOS para medir la calidad del aire en el Atlántico Sur |
27.11.2023 | Iberia se une al proyecto europeo IAGOS para medir la calidad del aire en el Atlántico Sur |
29.12.2023 | Iberia amplía su compromiso con la sostenibilidad uniéndose al proyecto IAGOS |
30.11.2023 | Se suma Iberia a la lucha contra el cambio climático |
28.04.2023 | Lufthansa A330 becomes climate research aircraft |
26.04.2023 | Lufthansa test-flies crucial atmospheric probe for climate-research A350 |
24.05.2023 | New IAGOS Aircraft From Air Canada Measures Elevated Carbon Monoxide Levels Over Eastern Canada |
18.05.2023 | Air Canada mesure la qualité de l’air avec un Airbus
19.05.2023 | Air Canada & IAGOS Team Up To Research Climate Change & Air Quality With An Airbus A330 |
17.05.2023 | Air Canada Partners with IAGOS to Equip an Airbus A330 with Climate and Air Quality Sensors |
17.05.2023 | Air-Canada-Partners-with-IAGOS-to-Equip-an-Airbus-A330-with-Climate-and-Air-Quality-Sensors |
11.01.2023 | IAGOS: Successful Atmospheric Research |
15.11.2022 | China Airlines sets records in cargo |
14.12.2022 | IAGOS: Bilanz erfolgreicher Atmosphärenforschung vorgelegt |
22.11.2022 | Climate Research: IAGOS Secures Third Aircraft in the Lufthansa Group Fleet |
13.11.2022 | Lufthansa – Third Aircraft Takes Off to Collect Climate Research Data |
12.11.2022 | Airbus A330: Lufthansa equipa um terceiro avião para coletar dados climáticos |
09.11.2022 | Eurowings Discover Airbus A330 Becomes A Flying Climate Laboratory |
09.11.2022 | El Grupo Lufthansa equipa un tercer avión con el equipo de medición climática del proyecto IAGOS |
08.11.2022 | Lufthansa Group sammelt weltweit Daten zur Klimaforschung, Drittes Flugzeug startet im Dienste der Wissenschaft |
08.11.2022 | Lufthansa Group collects data on climate research worldwide: Third aircraft takes off in the name of science |
23.12.2021 | Studie zeigt erhöhte Ozonwerte während des Lockdowns 2020 |
25.10.2021 | Project helps to clean up air quality monitoring in European cities |
09.04.2021 | Lufthansa upravuje svůj Airbus A350-900 pro výzkum klimatu |
07.04.2021 | Lufthansa skal bruke en Airbus A350 som flygende laboratorium |
08.04.2021 | Lufthansa Airbus A350-900 „Erfurt“ wird Klimaforschungsflieger |
07.04.2021 | Un Airbus A350-900 di Lufthansa diventerà un laboratorio volante per ricerche sul clima |
25.04.2021 | Ein Flugzeug als Klimaforscher |
08.04.2021 | Lufthansa irá transformar um de seus Airbus A350 em avião de pesquisa climática |
09.04.2021 | Lufthansa utilizará un Airbus A350 como laboratorio climatológico |
08.04.2021 | Lufthansa met une station météo sous un A350 |
07.04.2021 | Lufthansa to covert an A350-900 into a Climate Research Aircraft |
07.04.2021 | Lufthansa To Turn An A350 Into A Climate Research Plane |
07.04.2021 | Lufthansa Converts A350 To Climate Laboratory |
07.04.2021 | Lufthansa und Airbus rüsten A350 als neuen Klimaforschungsjet aus |
07.04.2021 | Lufthansa macht A350 zum Klimaforscher |
07.04.2021 | Lufthansa baut Airbus A350 zum Forschungsflieger um |
07.04.2021 | Lufthansa Airbus A350-900 “Erfurt” will become climate research aircraft |
17.06.2020 | Lufthansa Group Commitment to Climate Research |
27.02.2017 | Hawaiian Airlines Joins Global Climate Change Monitoring Effort |
08.05.2015 | Die ,Viersen‘ bekommt Verstärkung, Lufthanseat, Ausgabe 1563 |
07.05.2015 | IAGOS Fleet Keeps on Growing – Second Lufthansa jet collecting data for climate research, Press release of the Research Centre Jülich |
21.10.2014 | Better Understanding of Climate with Commercial Airliners, Press release of the Research Centre Jülich |
21.10.2014 | IAGOS: Mit dem Linienflieger zum besseren Klimaverständnis, Innovations Report |
22.05.2014 | Atmospheric Research Using Commercial Airliners – Ceremony and symposium to celebrate 20th anniversary of MOZAIC/IAGOS project, Press release of the Research Centre Jülich |
12.05.2014 | Airbus supporting the world’s scientific community on climate research, Press release of Airbus |
03.04.2014 | Iberia Airlines To Measure Air Quality In Flight For IAGOS Research, AvStop – Aviation Online Magazine |
25.06.2013 | Air France joins Lufthansa and China Airlines in supporting high-altitude IAGOS climate monitoring project, GreenAir Online |
24.06.2013 | Air France participates in the IAGOS climate monitoring and research project, Press release of Air France |
29.04.2013 | Top Marks for Jülich Atmospheric Research – BMBF includes research infrastructure IAGOS in its national roadmap, Press release of the Research Centre Jülich |