The value of IAGOS in the European Research Landscape

The first evaluation of IAGOS was completed in June 2024. The summary states: “IAGOS is an example of a sustainable and impactful research infrastructure that not only promotes scientific understanding, but also supports policy-making and public awareness.” Andreas Petzold, head of the Global Observation group at the Jülich Institute of Tropospheric Research (ICE-3), coordinator of IAGOS Germany and member of the IAGOS Board of Directors added that “IAGOS has developed into a research infrastructure of international standing and occupies a central position in the global system for observing the atmosphere. Our freely and openly accessible measurement data is currently used by around 300 organisations worldwide – and IAGOS naturally hopes that our data will be used for even more research in the future. (Excerpts from the article published online FZJ, full article can be found here

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