Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPI-C) is one of the leading institutes for atmospheric chemistry in the world. At the MPI-C almost the entire atmospheric spectrum ranging from laboratory kinetics, over all kinds of atmospheric field measurements, to advanced modelling (EMAC, MATCH-MPIC), is covered.
MPI-C developed in cooperation with KIT and TROPOS the first CARIBIC container system that operated on board an LTU Boeing 767 from 1997 until 2002. MPI-C also took the lead to develop the new CARIBIC observation system for the Airbus A340-600 aircraft series since 2003 with the strong support of Lufthansa. The coordination of IAGOS-CARIBIC was transferred to KIT in 2015.
- Laboratory-based GC measurements of >20 NMHCs on >100 air samples per months
- Operation of an SP-2 instrument for black carbon particles in the IAGOS-CARIBIC container
- Development and operation of an aerosol mass spectrometer which shall be installed in the IAGOS-CARIBIC container in 2016.
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