Forschungszentrum Jülich

Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) is the largest German Research Centre and part of the Helmholtz Association. The Institute for Energy and Climate Research 8: Troposphere is engaged in atmospheric research with a particular strong focus on the innovative ground-based and airborne measurements of trace gases and aerosols, and global to regional-scale modelling.

FZJ is involved in the observation of the atmosphere from passenger aircraft from the beginning:

  • In 1993 the MOZAIC programme was initiated together with Airbus, Laboratoire d’ Aerologie of CNRS, Meteo France and four European airlines (Lufthansa, Air France, Sabena, Austrian).
  • EU FP6 Design Study for New Infrastructures IAGOS (Integration of Routine Aircraft measurements into a Global Observing System; 4/2005-1/2009) was coordinated by FZJ and prepared the technical and logistical grounds for the transition from MOZAIC into a sustainable research infrastructure with enhanced scope and geographical coverage.
  • EU FP7 preparatory phase project for IAGOS-ERI (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System – a European Research Infrastructure) with 14 partners was coordinated by FZJ.
  • FZJ is now co-coordinating IAGOS-AISBL as the governance structure for the sustainable operation of IAGOS, together with CNRS as the coordinator IAGOS-F.
  • Coordinating institution of IAGOS-D
  • Leading German partner in IAGOS AISBL
  • Coordination of the technical and legal work in Germany and within IAGOS AISBL
  • Operation of instruments for H2O, NOx, NOy and aerosol particles operated on IAGOS-CORE aircraft

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Energie und Klimaforschung 8: Troposphäre
Contact: PD Dr. Andreas Petzold
